investOze is a investment network created for businesses looking for new markets, local councils interested in acquiring foreign investors. We have fundamental knowledge and experience needed to help businesses with making thier name on the abroad markets. Our goal is to comprehensively prepare investment offers in the lesser Poland Lesser Poland Province.
Projects main task is supporting both foreign and domestic investors interested in investing in the Lesser Poland and helping with abroad export and expansion of local businesses.
We recommend clicking elements of our logo for more information.
We are focused on helping to get in cotact with potential contractors interested in your services. Our goal is promoting your company on markets both foreign and domestic. You have a business idea, but don’t know how to make it happen? We’ll help! Just fill the registration form.
Who is investOze for?
For businesses interested in research and development, investing in new products, new technologies and solutions. Looking for new areas to axpand thier business activity.
You’re an investor looking for investing in efficient energy use, renewable energy sources, broadband infrastructure or other branch? We’ll help you get in contact with indivituals responsive for creating new, innovative technologies and modernising existing ones. We’ll give you access to new investment areas. investOze is a network focused on helping you make your ideas into real projects. It’s a simple and accessible tool, which will help you deploy your ideas quickly and easily. We’re hear to help you connect knowledge with science and business.
You’ve got an interesting project idea? Looking for more than just financial suport? Don’t know how to make your first step in looking for resources or an investor? You know what innovating is about, maybe even realised an innovative project before, but dont know how to make your ideas happen? Want to introduce your product or service onto the international markets? You own patents which may be interesting for the industry or investors? We’re here to help you. investOze is an initiative focused on helping you make your ideas into real projects. It’s a simple and accessible tool, which will help you deploy your ideas quickly and easily. We’re hear to help you connect knowledge with science and business.
Especially for our users we’ve created an announcement section which is designed to be your first source of information on new projects and investments
Z ogromną satysfakcją ogłaszam że zorganizowaliśmy przyjazdowe misje gospodarcze, z wyjątkowym finałem w Krakowie, gdzie gościliśmy znamienitych inwestorów z zagranicy i z małopolski. Wspólnie przekroczyliśmy granice i otworzyliśmy nowe możliwości dla rozwoju gospodarczego Polski. Te intensywne...
It is with great satisfaction that I announce that we have organized incoming economic missions, with a unique finale in Krakow, where we hosted distinguished investors from abroad and from Lesser Poland. Together, we have crossed borders and opened new opportunities for Poland's economic development. These i...
W trakcie udziału w misji gospodarczej do Australii malopolscy przedsiębiorcy uczestniczyli w targach All-Energy, które koncentrowały się głównie na odnawialnych źródłach energii oraz ekologicznych technologiach. Misja gospodarcza pozwoliła na nawiązanie kontaktów z przedstawicielami b...
During the economic mission to Australia, entrepreneurs from Małopolska participated in the All-Energy fair, which focused mainly on renewable energy sources and ecological technologies. The economic mission allowed us to establish contacts with representatives of the energy industry and learn about the latest ac...
W dniach 12-13.10.2023 r mieliśmy przyjemność zorganizować Festiwal Innowacji w Krakowie. Rozmawialiśmy o innowacjach, współpracy pomiędzy nauką i biznesem. Odbyły się panele dyskusyjne oraz spotkania B2B.
Festiwal Innowacji pozwala poznawać innowacje, know-how, nowe technologie i wynalazki, łącz...
On October 12-13, 2023, we had the pleasure of organizing the Innovation Festival in Krakow. We talked about innovation and cooperation between science and business. Discussion panels and B2B meetings were held.
The Innovation Festival allows you to learn about innovations, know-how, new technologies and i...
Filling our registration form gives you a chance to make your name not only locally, but also on various foreign markets. Advertising your company on our website is free.
By joining you also get an opportunity to take part in several exhibitions and business expos we’re organising around Poland, China, United Arab Emirates and USA.
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